The 3 Day Military Diet Review - Can you Lose 10 pounds in a Week?

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The Military Diet plan, also known as the 3 Day Diet is a diet plan that claims you can lose up to 10 pounds in three days. In addition, the diet claims that no strenuous activity or exercise is required, and no pills or supplements needed to assist in this weight loss plan. It also proclaims that the chemically formulated food combination is designed to not only burn fat but also kick start your metabolism to lose weight fast. The 3-day diet menu is free on the internet and is included in this review. Not only is it free, but the meal plan itself also seems very affordable. Nonetheless, in this case, I’m not sure if free and affordable equate to a good deal. After a closer look at the 3-day diet menu, and the 3 Day Military Diet plan, I did have some major concerns and questions I needed answering. And thus, I have written The 3 Day Military Diet Review to give you more information and insight as to whether the military diet is right for you. So let’s get started.
What is the Three Day Military Diet Plan?
The 3 Day Military Diet plan claims to be a combination of low-calorie foods and chemically compatible foods designed to work in synergy to jump start your weight loss. This plan consists of three meals; breakfast, lunch, and dinner. These meal plans span a duration of three days, which are then followed by 4 days of regular eating. Your choice of food. The claim is that the 3 days on and the 4 days off the diet prevent your metabolism from dropping. The calorie intake for day 1 is 1400 calories, day 2 is 1200 calories, and day 3 a total of 1100 calories. At the end of the 4th off day, the claim is that you should have lost up to 10 pounds for the week. Let’s take a closer look. Below is the actual meal plan laid out by its originator, whomever that may be.

3-day military diet plan
The Military Diet 3 Day Diet Menu
DAY 1 of the 3 Day Military Diet Menu
1 slice of toast (whole wheat is best)
2 tablespoons peanut butter
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1/2 grapefruit
1 cup coffee or tea (caffeinated)
1 cup coffee or tea (caffeinated)
1 slice bread or toast (whole wheat is best)
1/2 cup tuna
1 cup coffee or tea (caffeinated)
1/2 cup tuna
1 cup coffee or tea (caffeinated)
3 ounces of any meat (about the size of a deck of cards)
1 cup of green beans
1/2 Banana
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream (Does not have to be sugar-free)
1 cup of green beans
1/2 Banana
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream (Does not have to be sugar-free)

Hot Dogs in your diet plan?
DAY 2 of the 3 Day Military Diet Menu
1 egg (cooked how you like)
1 slice of bread or toast (whole wheat is best)
1/2 banana
1 slice of bread or toast (whole wheat is best)
1/2 banana
1 cup cottage cheese
1 hard-boiled egg
5 saltine crackers
1 hard-boiled egg
5 saltine crackers
2 hot dogs (without bun)
1/2 cup carrots
1 cup broccoli
1/2 banana
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
1/2 cup carrots
1 cup broccoli
1/2 banana
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Have a grapefruit in your 3-day military diet.
DAY 3 of the 3 Day Military Diet Menu
1 slice cheddar cheese
1 small apple
5 saltine crackers
1 small apple
5 saltine crackers
1 slice whole wheat bread or toast
1 egg (cooked however you like)
1 egg (cooked however you like)
1 cup tuna
1/2 banana
1 cup vanilla ice cream
1/2 banana
1 cup vanilla ice cream
My first Impression of the Military Diet
I must say the hot dogs and the ice cream threw me off a tad. But of course, this could go both ways. You either hated seeing the hot dogs and ice cream in a diet plan, or you absolutely loved the idea. Personally, I would substitute the hot dogs which are highly processed scrap meat, high in nitrates, sodium, and saturated fat. And I will spare you the details of what animal scraps are used.
Secondly, ice cream is not only high in sugar but also high in saturated fat. And the diet indicates that sugar in the ice cream is acceptable. This is very strange in my opinion. But maybe that is what is attracting people to this diet.
Thirdly, I would have to replace the peanut butter, cheese, and banana. Eating these for three days would surely add 2-3 pounds of weight caused by constipation alone. Sorry, I just had to share that.
Finally, it appears the menu is spread a little thin over three days. By only eating three times each day, I can see where I would most likely feel starved and sick to my stomach every night before bedtime. So, I don’t think this diet would be for me.
The 3 Day Military Diet Review - Questions and Concerns
At first glance, this diet did not appear to be very natural or healthy when having seen hot dogs and ice cream included in the menu. On further inspection, seeing the options to substitute foods made this a bit more acceptable, but still questionable.
Can you really lose 10 pounds per week using the 3 Day Military Diet? Here are some problems I found with this diet.
How much weight do you think one can lose in 1 week on the 3 Day Military Diet?
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Metabolism: I must question the claim that this diet keeps your metabolism from dropping and will even kick start your metabolism to burn fat even faster. Eating only three times per day is not going to raise your metabolism with this diet. And going back to a normal diet on the last four days may help prevent your metabolism from dropping, but it will certainly not kick it into fat burning mode and melt off 10 pounds. And unfortunately drinking a cup of coffee or tea will only have a short-term effect on your metabolism but nothing substantial.
pH Levels: This program states that either grapefruit or baking soda must be used in this diet to better burn fat, as this will raise your pH level and increase your body’s alkalinity. A high alkalinity body burns fat more efficiently than an acidic body. Or so they say. Sorry but this is not true. And even if it were, one grapefruit is not going to change your whole body’s pH level. Although foods with high alkaline levels are good for you, they will contribute very little to the change of pH in your blood. Your body works to keep that level pretty constant at all times.
Chemically Formulated: Looking at this menu and seeing all the food substitutions available to this diet, make the claim for a chemically formulated food combination to burn fat fast seem very weak indeed. There seems to be a substitute for almost everything on the Military Diet at the site listed above. And though I think this is highly considerate to those with food allergies or other dietary restrictions, it also makes me question the claim for this diet to be chemically compatible. This, I thought, was an important factor if not the key factor in making this diet a success. Apparently, I was wrong. Which leads me to believe that maybe this diet is indeed more about just calories, and not so much about choosing the right combination of foods that are chemically compatible to make what should normally only be a 1-2 pound weight loss a 10-pound weight loss program.
Will you be trying the Military Diet?
See results without voting3 Day Military Diet Plan Testimonials
There are many testimonials for the Military Diet on the internet from blogs to personal websites, but the one site I rely on for the most accurate and unbiased reviews would be hands down none other than Amazon. From all the claims I have read, reviews vary widely and opinions equally so. However, I have not seen anyone claim to have lost the whole 10 pounds in three days or even for the week on this diet plan. Nor would I trust in believing anyone admitting to such a claim. Here is why.
Can you Lose 10 Pounds in 3 days with the Military Diet?
Regardless of my own opinions and those from reviews and testimonials, any diet that limits you to around 1000 calories per day, should be successful at helping you shed a few pounds a week. But without using other additional methods such as supplements or exercise I highly question anyone losing 10 pounds in a week with this diet. The total calorie deficit for the first 3 days should be approximately a little over 3000 calories. And since 3500 calories equal one pound, we can say that you have most likely lost one pound of fat. Now let’s say the last four days actually did have some profound effect on your metabolism and generously throw in an extra couple of pounds. That still only gets you a loss of 3 pounds, which is not even close to 10 pounds as claimed.

My conclusion is that the 3 Day Military Diet plan is nothing more than a calorie counting diet. No special formulas, no notable metabolic changes, and no chemically formulated food combinations to kick start your metabolism. Basically, it’s just plain old calorie counting. So my final verdict for the Military Diet is that it is indeed a diet that can shed some fat, but not what it proclaims to be, and thus I would say 1 to 3 pounds would be the maximum weight to lose on this diet plan, but certainly not 10 pounds. If you do in fact lose more than 3 pounds in three days, then I would say anything over that would be primarily intestinal clearing. But please, feel free to prove me wrong in the comments field below.
Please don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to bash this 3-day diet menu plan. If the Military Diet plan sounds right for you and you are happy with losing 1-3 pounds in a week, then, by all means, give it a try. I would love to hear back from you on your results. I based my conclusion on knowledge, education, research and personal experience. My opinion is that you can lose weight with this diet, but that I personally find the claims largely over stated.
Thanks for dropping by and reading The 3 Day Military Diet Review, and as always leave a comment, suggestion, or question. We would also love to hear from you if you have already tested the Three Day Military Diet and what your results were. Please be advised that weighing in and weighing out of any diet plan must be done at the same time of day for your reading to be the most accurate. Your body weight can vary between 1 to 4 pounds each day depending on the time of day. For example, your morning weigh-in can be 2 pounds lighter than your evening weigh in. If you have not tried the 3 Day Military Diet plan but are considering on doing so, please come back and share with us your experience and results. Thanks again, and stay healthy.
My Latest Update!
After receiving so many comments on how I could write a review on The Three Day Military Diet Plan without trying it for myself, I finally took the bull by the horns, subjected myself to over processed hotdogs, and came up with the following results.
Though I felt starved the entire time, I lost…and I’m sure you are saying I told you it would work… a total of 4 pounds after my fourth day on the diet. Now that we have that out of the way, please feel free to share your results with us. Your comments are highly welcome.
If you are interested in another diet plan, check out my 7 DAY GM DIET REVIEW where I lost 6 pounds in the first 3 days.
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